It’s been a trying time as my efforts at self-healing produce no improvement in my physical being. In fact, the reverse seems true. Each new method added to my experiment begins hopefully. This will help me, I think, but as the weeks go by I find myself becoming weaker and less able.
Yesterday I thought, I might as well take the Mirapex, I have two sample boxes in my bureau drawer and a prescription from Dr. V. I remembered his assurance that I would be better, his confidence that I’d achieve a return to freedom of movement. I talked about it with my husband Henry. He said he would have taken the medicine immediately.
I thought and agonized to myself, then I went to the Internet. I looked at the Parkinson Recovery website, an alternate therapy resource. I went to Patientslikeme and read forums on people’s experiences with Mirapex. These experiences were frequently not good. I called and talked with Janet, my PD friend who is drug-free. I consulted the Runes.
The result is I will be trying a new therapy, Cranio Sacral Therapy, recommended by Janet. I will be meeting with a nutritionist. And I am holding off on any drug taking. The main reason for not taking the drug was eloquently expressed in the Book of Runes. Today, seeking advice in my dilemma, I drew Thurisaz, the Gateway, reversed.
"Drawing Thurisaz reversed demands contemplation on your part. Hasty
decisions at this time may cause regrets, for the probability is that you will act from weakness, deceive yourself about your motives and create new problems more severe than those you are attempting to resolve."
I may be struggling physically, but my mind and spirit are well. I don’t want to damage them in an effort to help my body. And the reality is, it is not a healing drug. There are now no healing drugs for PD. But I still believe in healing, thank you very much. So I stumble on.