Sunday, September 8, 2013

Back to Discipline

Amazingly enough, after weeks of frequent discomfort and even pain in my hip, I went to two half-hour exercise classes and VOILA! Pain gone! After leaving the gym and the following day no hip pain. It had been so constant that I easily noticed its absence.

The classes were "Willpower and Grace" and "Body Flow." Both got the hip moving, first with lunges and squats that one might think would aggravate the hip, and then with yoga asanas - twists, lotus and pigeon that are meant to open the hip joint.

Since I had not been going to the gym or exercising much on my own, I was stiffer than ever. But as one of my teachers likes to say, "yoga is for stiffs." I attempted to lay my torso upon my legs in the forward bends, to press my heels to the ground in downward facing dog, and the attempt was enough. I was so pleased with the benefit of even a small, one-time exercise session that I have made it a point to continue.

I biked, walked or took a class at the gym everyday this week. And my hip is dandy. The spectre of expensive hip surgery has been banished. I hope I have learned my lesson.

Pre-Columbian Stirrup Vessel

Can I Cope?

Life is change, no getting away from it. And would we want it any different? If nothing ever changed, even the most charmed life could becom...