As an update, I will simply list what I am doing now.
1. Suppers program: I host a monthly Suppers meeting at my house on the theme of "Healing Spices." Guests prepare, eat, clean up together and learn about healing properties of spices, food preparation and healthy foods.
2. I attend other Suppers meetings that are offered from time to time. One I plan to attend monthly is called "Weight Loss Strategies."
3. Started a diet officially with a sign on the fridge with rules for eating (No sugar, no snacks, etc.) and a food journal.
4. Supplements: Just started a supplement with the compound contained in turmeric - curcumin, fish oil capsules, potassium, vitamin B complex, C, D, E,

1. yoga, Body Flow, Will Power & Grace and other classes at the gym
2. Tai Chi Chih class
3. stationary bike at home (in winter)
4. walking (but not regularly)
5. gardening (now that it's spring I am starting again)
6. housework (I do all the cleaning, shopping and cooking)
1. pramipexole
2. carbidopa/levodopa
1. Chorus: I sing in rehearsals 2 1/2 hours each week, weekend extra rehearsals, weekend retreat, competition, singing gigs and practice at home.
2. Ukelele: I am singing and playing once a week with a friend, have attended Meetups with a ukelele group and practice on my own.
1. Re-Evaluation Counseling (RC): I have 2 co-counselors I meet weekly on alternating weeks, and one who I meet with once a month (in the books sidebar, see author Harvey Jackins)
Reading for PD
1. Healing Spices, by Bharat B. Aggarwal PhD and Debra Yost
2. The Wahl's Protocol, by Terry Wahls
1. Raisin Studio: my clay studio, the activity that is most important and where I spend the most time
2. Drawing in my sketchbook mostly with marker or colored pencil
3. Fiber arts: made two wall pieces recently
3. Visiting craft shows (especially to see ceramics), art shows, art museums
4. Pinterest: I have several boards. I add images of my work and of other artists'
5. Member of CoRE art group: meet with members to support one another, choose themes, and plan art shows
1. El's Clay Blog
2. PD Journal No Drugs No Worries Blog
3. Daily handwritten journal
Am I doing enough? I am doing a lot I think, but am I doing enough of the right things? Good Lord, why don't I beat myself up? I am DOING THE BEST I CAN, AND I KNOW IT'S RIGHT FOR ME RIGHT NOW! This is my RC training speaking.