Sunday, November 10, 2019

That Healthy Glow

I love this cartoon; the patients face and glow. and the face of the doctor. The doctor reminds me of my first neurologist who was so displeased when I did not take my medication. I was not doing as well as this fellow, but nowadays I feel pretty damn good, much of the time.

Is it the supplements such as high dosage B1, is it the Rock Steady Boxing, the morning reading and writing, the time to do what I wish and time to rest, the daily qi gong practice, the Re-evaluation Counseling or is it the medications, the carbidopa levadopa and Gocovri?

Maybe all of it.

But this is an undoctored photo my husband took of me doing qi gong. I was facing the rising sun.

Is it the sun, or is it a photo of me bathing in the ocean of light? I wonder.

Can I Cope?

Life is change, no getting away from it. And would we want it any different? If nothing ever changed, even the most charmed life could becom...