Thursday, March 17, 2011

Re-evaluation Counseling

When I lie on the table for my FSR treatment once a week, inevitably I end up talking to Sharon about what I’ve been thinking, and lately, this past year, I have been thinking a lot about my life. Sharon seems concerned that she may not be qualified to advise me about some of my problems. So, she expressed relief when I told her I was investigating Re-evaluation Counseling, a peer-counseling system developed by Harvey Jackins.
             Cousin Leslie told me she has been involved with RC for years, thought I might benefit, and gave me a contact person in my area. Not long after I contacted the person, an introductory meeting was arranged at Sandra’s house. After learning more about the theory of RC, and practicing counseling each other, three of us, June, Meryl and I signed on for a 10-week class with Sandra.
I have had several opportunities to practice RC; the longest session was today when Meryl came to my house and we took turns speaking and listening for half an hour each. The theory is that we all are “loving, cooperative, intelligent, and zestful,” but these qualities become blocked by accumulated painful experiences. If emotional discharge can be affected, these qualities can be restored. In a counseling session, laughing, shaking or crying might achieve emotional discharge.
In RC, a person is free to talk and express himself or herself in a private session with a partner. The partner offers no feedback or advice only listens. As intelligent beings, Jackins deems that we ourselves are most qualified to solve our own problems, if we are not burdened with emotional baggage.
With a timer set, I easily talked for my half hour. I felt afterwards that I had been given a gift -- to be able to speak freely and be listened to with no apparent judgment. I think I’ve been needing that.

1 comment:

  1. Well put, Elisa! Sounds like you've got the gist, and you're off and running! Bask in the sun of attention as much as you like! -- lk


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