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Petroglyph ridge, New Mexico |
I went to a therapist for Past Life Regression Therapy to get some answers. I had read an article about the emotional causes of PD, and the author suggested that past lives regression therapy could be helpful in reversing the disease. I found through the internet a list of therapists, but only one near me that seemed active. I called her and straight away she told me her fee. Did I still want to proceed?
I did.
After a long drive I arrived in Media, Pennsylvania and the old stone house that is both Carol Bowman's home and office. We climbed two flights of narrow pie stairs that spiraled up to the attic, lit by skylights and a window overlooking a garden shaded by large trees.
Carol interviewed me, taking notes as I answered questions about my current issues and my history from childhood until the present. From her notes she extracted a list of themes. She read them aloud and after several repetitions I narrowed the list to one theme: "They will hurt me."
Then it was time to do the regression. Comfortably settled in a reclining chair, soothing music playing softly, she led me through a guided meditation. Then I was to think of my theme and notice what images came to mind. I had a brief flash of a silhouetted girl's figure running away from the woods. It was very flat and colorless, and no other images. She asked me questions about the girl and I tried to open my mind, but it was guesswork, supposition only, as I expanded on the story. What was she afraid of? A man. Who was the man? Her father. And so on, but it didn't feel true. It wasn't working and finally I stopped and told her so.
We talked for a long while after, she's a lovely woman, and we agreed that I'm a "hard nut to crack."
I knew that before I went. I suspected I might not be a good candidate for regression, hard to hypnotize, hard to open up, resistant. My conscious mind was willing, but something inside keeps me from "cracking."
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Sudden Insight, by EH |
I am reading Carol Bowman's book now, and I wish I had before I saw her. "Children's Past Lives," is a personal account of her experiences and her study of past life regression. It has convinced me that there is something in us, a soul, spirit that transcends death and can reincarnate in another human form. This is proved by the memories of past lives that can be accessed during trance states. Carol writes that one's past lives are connected to the present, and can have a negative effect on our health. If there are unresolved issues in the previous life, or one has experienced a sudden or violent death or horrible illness (not uncommon in the history of mankind), they can manifest in different ways in the present. Past life regression therapy is the process of healing present life illnesses, phobias, and other psychological issues by remembering the events that triggered the phobia in a past life, seeing one's death* and aftermath and thereby working through and erasing the negative effects in the current life.
Carol Bowman's own children were the inspiration for her book. Both her son and daughter almost effortlessly recalled past lives and were cured of phobias and even physical conditions after regressions, with no negative consequences. Even though the memories at the time of regression were painful, the children bounced back, happy and carefree.
Remarkable and convincing - what I write may not be, but Carol's book is.
Now what? I meditated this morning and thought of a theme for my problems that might be more appropriate. "I am frozen." Could an event in one or more of my past lives somehow be causing my Parkinson Disease symptoms? Would I be able to find out on my own, without a therapist? I have some exploration ahead of me.
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Artist unknown |
* People experiencing regressions describe floating above and viewing their own dead body, or seeing a light as do people who have had NDE's, Near Death Experiences.