One of my tango teachers, Kerry, is a holistic healer. One treatment she offers is Jin Shin Jyutsu, a type of energy medicine. For about 6 months I was treated by a practitioner of the Donna Eden approach to energy medicine and performed daily exercises longer than that. Qi Gong, which I practice now, is a system of exercises intended to strengthen energy. The PD Recovery team also recognizes energy flow as a component of treatment. I was curious how Jin Shin Jyutsu compares to these other three practices. This month I went for three different hour-long treatments at Kerry’s home.
At each treatment I lie on a table fully clothed with pillows for my head and knees. Kerry places the tips of her fingers very gently on different points on my body. Sometimes she consults a book during the session. Occasionally, she comments on impressions she receives. During the second session she commented that she sensed a giant awaking inside me.
Today, she began by first putting one hand on the inside of my left ankle while her other hand touched a point on my right hip. She told me that this was the “Skeptic’s” or “Doubting Thomas” hold. When I asked why it was called this she said that it was a very powerful hold and that people who doubted that Jin Shin Jyutsu worked were often converted after experiencing a dramatic shift.
I said I would welcome a shift.
It just so happened that the two points she was holding were in two areas that were giving me pain lately. After some time holding these points she moved to my left foot and used both hands there. I felt a lot of sensation including a surging kind of feeling, throbbing, and intermittent pain as she touched different points on my foot. She too could feel a lot of movement inside my foot.
Most of the time, the treatment was gentle and relaxing.
Unfortunately though, there was no dramatic shift. I went from the treatment to tango class, and amazing to myself, but as usual, I was able to dance, even though I had been struggling to walk earlier in the day.
What a strange enigma.
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