I attended the Parkinson’s Recovery Summit in Santa Fe last
week with my PD friend Janet and came home with a range of impressions.
Focusing on those of the summit itself and not the distractions of that fair
city, I found that the ideas about healing that I have been hearing from the
alternative health community for quite awhile were reinforced. Here is what I
Chinese Traditional Medicine –
good. Two sessions focused on Qi gong, the ancient Chinese energy exercise,
that harnesses life energy from the earth and from the heavens to utilize in
healing the body. There were lots of mentions of chi, grounding, meridians,
acupuncture and other traditional eastern ideas by presenters all around.
Power of the mind in healing –
effective. Visualization is a powerful tool for changing the body’s level of
health. You can heal yourself with meditation or visualizations focusing on the
sickness and seeing the healing process taking place.
Joy – essential. Stress and trauma
may be a big part of the cause of Parkinson’s. If we can turn around our
patterns of anxiety, perfectionism, stop criticizing and judging ourselves or
others, and feel appreciation and gratitude for all of the positive elements of
our lives, that will go a long way to healing our symptoms.
Today I was thinking about the idea
of stress as the cause of PD. Obvious to me, that by itself cannot create all
the symptoms of PD. I think a combination of factors is at fault, a series of
foul-ups in the body system that when combined with stress and a Parkinson
personality manifests with symptoms labeled as Parkinson’s Disease.
I feel a transformation in myself
now that I have time to focus on myself and being and functioning a little
differently from the old me. An inner transformation needs to take place I
think and that is essential in the recovery process.
In general, the conference was
uplifting. Most of all because there were people speaking at the summit who
from Parkinson’s Disease. That by itself
was the most inspiring element of the summit.