I hesitated before I posted the last entry about my brother. I felt some fear and regret in allowing these thoughts out into the world, and also I think, some guilt. And it wasn’t just that I didn’t want the world to know I harbored bad feelings for my brother.
Today I had the thought that, “you and me brother, we are the same.”
What he learned, I learned. What he did, I do. How in my life do I manifest the traits that I found regrettable in him? When am I negative towards others? What about negativity towards myself?
Negativity is part of my inheritance and it is a big part of what I need to work on in myself. Louise Hay suggests looking in the mirror frequently and saying, “I love you.” But more than that, I need to practice loving and showing love for my family by saying POSITIVE things and thinking POSITIVE thoughts about them.
Sounds like a wonderful and inspiring plan!