Tuesday, September 28, 2010


            Feldenkrais class is pleasant, quiet, and seems to me to be potentially helpful. We lie on large, foam mats and are guided to make small repetitive movements. In one class we focused on our shoulders and neck only, but today we used a wider range from hands to feet. I don’t know much about it so I did a search. Here is what I read on the Feldenkrais website:

The Feldenkrais Method is for anyone who wants to reconnect with their natural abilities to move, think and feel…these gentle lessons can improve your overall well-being.
Learning to move with less effort makes daily life easier. Because the Feldenkrais Method focuses on the relationship between movement and thought, increased mental awareness and creativity accompany physical improvements.
There are so many types of bodywork in our world today and I’m lucky to live where they are available. Maybe I do too many different things, maybe I should focus on one modality, but since I have a leave of absence from work, I have a chance to try many things, and I think that’s good.

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