Thursday, September 23, 2010

From the Sublime to the Mundane

I took my time this morning with meditation, prayer in my usual bamboo chair. The chair faces the attached greenhouse where there are now plants brought in from summering outside. I divided and repotted some of them and all got spruced up and topped off with new soil. So I spent some time sitting and admiring the plants in between trying to remember to meditate.
            Then, I read from the beginning of Louise Hay’s, You Can Heal Your Life, reading some of it out loud to myself. I’d read it before about a year ago, but I thought I might read it again and actually do the exercises.
            Lastly, I sat outside, still in my bathrobe, and looked at the garden, and felt very moved by the golden light on the tops of the trees as the sun rose higher. I felt gratitude for having such a beautiful place to be.
            Unfortunately, this enlightened beginning was completely forgotten  (until now) by the hours I spent completing forms on-line for Social Security Disability Insurance. They asked for more information than I expected, e.g. dates and salaries of my last 5 jobs. This caused a form to be lost when I exceeded the 30-minute time allowance for the page while searching for old pay stubs.
            I was flummoxed by the arrangement of YES and NO bubbles. A question on the form looks like this:

-O Have you been prescribed any medication by this doctor? YES NO –O

I actually called SS to make sure I was checking the right bubble (the first bubble at the beginning is for YES).
            Tired, crotchety afterwards, I let Henry perform his magic with frozen foods while I drank a beer. Can I resume the morning’s serenity? I could go look at the moon…

1 comment:

  1. We recently got SSDI benefits for our son. M spent many, many hours on the phone and in meetings. Our first application was denied, which we were told in advance to expect, so it wasn't too disappointing. Still, M had to do it all over again. Hope you have better luck but don't get discouraged by an initial "No"


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