Thank you Howard! I’ve been reading his blog, “Fighting Parkinson’s Drug Free,” which shares how he successfully recovered from severe PD, or as he puts it, became “symptom free.” Reading his blog gives me hope and confidence that I am on the right track in not taking drugs. The methods of treatment he used are similar to my own, including FSR and heart exercises that he read about in J.J.’s book.
What astounded me was the rapidity of his recovery. I can’t help but wonder what I might not be doing or what I might be doing wrong that I am still so stuck. It’s been 3 months since I first met J.J. After all, I traveled across the country and spent 2 weeks with her and the other PD team members. Howard does a few days of FSR at home and starts recovery. However, I’m just curious as to why we’re different, not too troubled. As I said, Howard gives me hope.
I decided to do some Qi Gong exercises this morning. I had learned the Eight Pieces of Brocade from a DVD by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, but hadn’t done them in awhile. The exercises are meant to get the energy moving in the body, and each exercise in the Eight Pieces of Brocade works on different major organs. Doing six repetitions of each exercise took about a half hour. I spent another half hour in meditation. I read from Myss, Hay, and Suzuki’s Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind. I took my supplements. I drank my special drink. I’ve been GOOD; I’m ready to be well.
But I’ll be patient. I am seeing more each day how much I have to learn. And that takes time.
Hi. Thank you for your kind comments. You are doing great. Don't doubt yourself. Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming is a magnificent Dr. and teacher. Also, along with "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind," Suzuki's "Not Always So" is an excellent book and was a great help in my recovery. You mention what you might not be doing or what you may be doing wrong -- that is your thinking mind getting in the way of your progress. Trust yourself and just "do" what you know is right. Howard